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What is REMARKS365?

REMARKS365 is an online result management solution for all Secondary & Primary Schools in Nigeria. Its approach is totally different from other existing online result management solution because it allows a school to practically use the application without any body's assistance. It is easy for a school to set up just as you can easily open your school's email address and start sending mail from the very first day of registration. This is why we emphasize that you can always DO IT YOURSELF!

How do we participate?
All you need to do is to register for free using this link It doesn't require your extra computer knowledge.

What is the difference between a trial account and full access?
A trial account is an account you can use to test that our application works for you and it is free . The only limitation you have on our trial account is that you can not process more than 500 students for a term. Unlike the full access, the trial can sustain you for one term then your school starts paying.

What is the difference between school website URL and preferred URL on the registration page?
School website is meant to be the URL of your school website(if any) and the preferred URL is the URL name we would append to our application to make our application accessible to your school, students and teachers. The preferred URL has to be unique on our system. No two schools can have same URL.

We want to change our account from trial to full access, how do we go about it?
Write us on or call 08068869417 to make your request and we would switch your account under 12 hours.

How do our students assess their results?
The URL for your students to check their result is in this pattern<school-preferred-url>/student/access, "<school-preferred-url>" should be replaced by the school's preferred URL. The access type that your students would use depends on the access option that your school selected while publishing results.

How secured is your system or data backup process?
Our system is highly secured with latest technology. However, we have an efficient backup process and also create a snapshot of the database. We replicate our data in many other servers for fail over. In case there is any hardware or techincal problems, our application switches to other servers.

Does your system automatically promote students to their next class?
No, our application leaves promotion to be administered by the school. What we do is to get the students' record data, process it, present statistical information about it to the school then present it to the student. Owing to our wealth of experience in the educational sector, we understand that the decision and  process of promoting students may vary from one school to another. So, there may not be a fixed rule for this process.

How do we pay?
Payments are made to our bank account as presented on the application. Bank transfers and electronic means of sending money are also encouraged.

When do we pay?
You pay when you are ready to give your students access to their results.

Can we view and print the result of a particular student from the administrator panel?
Yes, the administrator can view and print students' results from the admin panel but the students have a more comphrensive view of their result.

What if we can't afford to pay for all our students at once? Does it mean we wait till we have everyone pays?
No. You can pay for the number of students you want to give access to, then get more access for the rest later.

Does your system require that our students must have admission number? What if we don't have in our school?
Yes. If your school does not have structured admission number our system can generate one for your students automatically at upload. That is one of the interesting features of REMARKS365.

‎Which academic term is the best to register our school?
The present one. Waiting till next term or session might not be the best because you can start using our system from now and make your students have access to their results this very term. So,it is better to try now or start with full access.